Wonderlust London Limited

  • Micro
  • Active
  • 8 years
  • 6 employees
  • £149,845 (assets)
  • Real address
  • 1 director
  • No owners
  • Regular importer

Field of Operation

Manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories n.e.c.
14190 5876 companies
Retail sale of clothing in specialised stores
47710 32864 companies
Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
47910 201177 companies

Social media


Wonderlust London Limited is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 10398086. The company was founded eight years ago on September 28, 2016, and registered in TW11 8EW, England, Teddington, 30 High Street. The address is probably real as only one company registered at the same address. Its status is active. The company operates in the manufacture of other wearing apparel and accessories n.e.c., the retail sale of clothing in specialised stores, the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet industries. Officially, it has not published owners as their shares less than twenty five percent for each shareholder. It has one director, and six employees.

It's a micro company as it met two conditions of three: turnover less than £632,000, balance sheet total less than £316,000, employees less than 10. The last reported current assets is £149,845.

The company is a regular importer, with its top import category being Clothing and accessories made by knitting or crocheting, totaling 14 months of imports. The last import operation was conducted on April 01, 2023.

Full overview report



Last reports

Download the last financial report
Download the last confirmation report
* may contain a full shareholder list

Last news

  1. Appointment of Mr Praveen Reddy Bojja as a director on 2025-02-26
  2. Confirmation statement made on 2025-02-26 with updates
  3. Termination of appointment of Ranjeet Singh as a director on 2025-02-26

Importer profile by HS codes

Last imported products

All imported products

Similar importers

Buy the list of 3744 UK B2B buyers of clothing and accessories made by knitting or crocheting.
  • Company names
  • HS codes
  • Financial data
  • Officers and owners
*from 99$

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