Raheb Limited
- Unreported
- Active
- 10 months
- Real address
- 4 directors
- 1 owner
May be the company is too young
Field of Operation
Wholesaler in London, England. Raheb Limited is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 15686596. The company was founded ten months ago on April 27, 2024, and registered in E12 6QN, England, London, 532 High Street North, London, England,, High Street North. The address is probably real as only one company registered at the same address. Its status is active. The company operates in the wholesale of textiles, the retail sale of clothing in specialised stores, the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet, the retail sale of footwear in specialised stores industries. Officially, it has one owner or PSCs, four directors and no number of employees published.
It's a unreported size in terms of turnover, balance sheet total and number of employees.
Owners & PSC
- Shaikh Abdul
- 10 months
- 25%+
Resident of United Kingdom
- Shaikh Abdul Farhan
- 10 months
- 7
Resident of United Kingdom
- Shaikh Imran Abdul Salim
- 10 months
Resident of India
- Baig Mohammed Akhtar
- 10 months
Resident of India
- Khan Naseeb Imtiyaz
- 10 months
Resident of India
Last news
Director's details changed for Mohammed Akhtar Baig on 2024-04-27Download 2 pages pdf report
Director's details changed for Imran Abdul Salim Shaikh on 2024-04-27Download 2 pages pdf report
Director's details changed for Naseeb Imtiyaz Khan on 2024-04-27Download 2 pages pdf report