Cryptocrystals Limited

  • Micro
  • Active
  • 4 years
  • £93,266 (assets)
  • Virtual address
  • 1 director
  • 1 owner
  • Irregular importer
  • Solo founder

Field of Operation

Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store
47599 11489 companies
Other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores (not commercial art galleries and opticians)
47789 14185 companies
Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
47910 201206 companies
Retail sale of antiques including antique books in stores
47791 2636 companies



Cryptocrystals Limited is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 12685159. The company was founded four years ago on June 20, 2020, and registered in W1W 7LT, England, London, 85 Great Portland Street, First Floor. The address is probably virtual as 7463 companes registered at the same address. Its status is active. The company operates in the retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store, the other retail sale of new goods in specialised stores (not commercial art galleries and opticians), the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet, the retail sale of antiques including antique books in stores industries. Officially, it has one owner or PSCs, one director and no number of employees published.

It's a micro company as it met two conditions of three: turnover less than £632,000, balance sheet total less than £316,000, employees less than 10. The last reported current assets is £93,266.

The company is a irregular importer, with its top import category being Furniture, Lighting, and Prefabricated Buildings, totaling 2 months of imports. The last import operation was conducted on January 01, 2025.

Full overview report

Owners & PSC

  • Hoefnagel Jelle
  • 4 years
  • 1
  • 75%+


  • Hoefnagel Jelle
  • 4 years
  • 1

Last reports

Download the last financial report
Download the last confirmation report
* may contain a full shareholder list

Last news

  1. Director's details changed for Mr Jelle Hoefnagel on 2025-01-28
  2. Registered office address changed from 24 Spa Villas Matlock Spa Road Matlock Derbyshire DE4 3st England to 85 Great Portland Street First Floor London W1W 7LT on 2025-01-28
  3. Change of details for Mr Jelle Hoefnagel as a person with significant control on 2025-01-28

Importer profile by HS codes

Last imported products

All imported products

Similar importers

Buy the list of 11212 UK B2B buyers of furniture, lighting, and prefabricated buildings.
  • Company names
  • HS codes
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*from 99$

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