Cordless Phone World Limited

  • Small
  • Active
  • 16 years
  • 3 employees
  • £168,699 (assets)
  • Real address
  • 3 directors
  • 1 owner
  • Regular importer

Field of Operation

Retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialised stores
47430 1564 companies
Retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store
47599 11529 companies
Retail sale via mail order houses or via Internet
47910 202026 companies
Retail sale of telecommunications equipment other than mobile telephones
47429 3057 companies

Social media



Telephone company in Martlesham, England. Cordless Phone World Limited is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 06548491. The company was founded sixteen years ago on March 29, 2008, and registered in IP12 4PR, England, Woodbridge, Unit 1 Kirrawah Newbourne Road, Waldringfield. The address is probably real as only one company registered at the same address. Its status is active. The company operates in the retail sale of audio and video equipment in specialised stores, the retail of furniture, lighting, and similar (not musical instruments or scores) in specialised store, the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet, the retail sale of telecommunications equipment other than mobile telephones industries. Officially, it has one owner or PSCs, three directors, and three employees.

It's a small company as it met two conditions of three: turnover less than £10.2 million, balance sheet less than £5.1 million, employees less than 50. The last reported current assets is £168,699.

The company is a regular importer, with its top import category being Furniture, Lighting, and Prefabricated Buildings, totaling 6 months of imports. The last import operation was conducted on December 01, 2023.

Full overview report

Owners & PSC



Last reports

Download the last financial report
Download the last confirmation report
* may contain a full shareholder list

Last news

  1. Confirmation statement made on 2024-08-16 with no updates
  2. Total exemption full accounts made up to 2024-03-31
  3. Confirmation statement made on 2023-08-16 with no updates
  4. Total exemption full accounts made up to 2023-03-31
  5. Confirmation statement made on 2022-08-16 with no updates
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