Ark Fashion Limited
- Dormant
- Holding
- Dissolved
- 11 years
- £675 (assets)
- Virtual address
- 4 directors
- 1 owner
No operations
Field of Operation
Social media
Ark Fashion Limited is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 08568543. The company was founded eleven years ago on June 13, 2013, and registered in BL9 8RR, Bury, Lancashire, Hollinsbrook Way, Pilsworth. The address is probably virtual as sixteen companes registered at the same address. Its status is dissolved. The company operates in the retail sale of clothing in specialised stores, the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet, the retail sale of footwear in specialised stores industries. Officially, it has one owner or PSCs, four directors and no number of employees published.
It's a dormant company (no operations). The last reported current assets is £675.
Owners & PSC
- Jd Sports Fashion Plc
- 8 years
- 40
- 75%+
Resident of United Kingdom
- Platt Dominic James
- 1 year
- 78
Resident of United Kingdom
- Casey Theresa
- 1 year
- 65
Resident of United Kingdom
- Schultz Rgis
- 2 years
- 65
Resident of United Arab Emirates
- Oakwood Corporate Secretary Ltd
- 10 years
- 1749
Resident of United Kingdom
Last reports
The latest confirmation statement submitted ten months ago.
Last news
Final Gazette dissolved via voluntary strike-offDownload 1 page pdf report
First Gazette notice for voluntary strike-offDownload 1 page pdf report
Application to strike the company off the registerDownload 1 page pdf report