Alex Andrew London Ltd.
- Dormant
- Dissolved
- 6 years
- Real address
- 2 directors
- 1 owner
- Irregular exporter
- Solo founder
No operations
Field of Operation
Tea wholesaler in London, England. Alex Andrew London Ltd. is a private limited company registered in England/Wales with the registration number 11342188. The company was founded six years ago on May 02, 2018, and registered in CF14 8LH, Cardiff, 11342188 - COMPANIES HOUSE DEFAULT ADDRESS. The address is probably real as only one company registered at the same address. Its status is dissolved. The company operates in the wholesale of coffee, tea, cocoa and spices, the wholesale of china and glassware and cleaning materials, the retail sale via mail order houses or via internet industries. Officially, it has one owner or PSCs, two directors and no number of employees published.
It's a dormant company (no operations).
The company is a irregular exporter, with its top export categories including Jewelry, precious stones, and metals, totaling 1 of months exports. The last export operation took place on July 01, 2023.
Owners & PSC
- Chiavacci Gillian
- 6 years
- 75%+
Resident of Ireland
- Chiavacci Gillian
- 6 years
Resident of Ireland
- Chiavacci Gillian
- 6 years
Resident of United Kingdom
Last reports
The latest confirmation statement submitted three years ago.
Last news
Final Gazette dissolved via compulsory strike-offDownload 1 page pdf report
Address of person with significant control Ms Gillian Chiavacci changed to 11342188 - Companies House Default Address, PO Box 4385, Cardiff, CF14 8LH on 2024-05-15Download 1 page pdf report
Registered office address changed to PO Box 4385, 11342188 - Companies House Default Address, Cardiff, CF14 8LH on 2024-05-15Download 1 page pdf report
Exporter profile by HS codes
Last exported products
Similar exporters
- Company names
- HS codes
- Financial data
- Officers and owners